
Commitment to sustainability

The Gardant Group operates with the conviction that the integration of sustainability is first and foremost a moral and institutional duty, as well as a useful tool in order to strengthen its business model, improve its competitive positioning in the market and obtain a growing influence at a national and international level recognised by all key stakeholders.

The Gardant Group, through the initiative of the Chairman and the entire Sustainability Committee, defines and periodically updates its own vision for the integration of ESG factors within its operations and its business model, coherently with the priorities defined by the Gardant Group itself and by its reference stakeholders, and starting from the sustainability issues considered most relevant.

Since its foundation, the Gardant Group has been committed to recognising its impact on society. The ESG Master Plan, a true strategic plan that aims to integrate sustainability into business and operations, including through a number of actions that promote social responsibility and the protection and support of the community, was approved during the first Board of Directors meeting.

The Sustainability Committee promotes, monitors and updates the actions contained in the ESG Master Plan. In carrying out its functions, it works in close collaboration with the ESG Working Groups, in charge of defining the operational methods for the implementation of the actions. The Sustainability Committee and the Working Groups meet quarterly and monthly, respectively.