
The Gardant Group has embarked on a path of integrating sustainability into its business strategy, recognizing its value in terms of impact on its key stakeholders and strategic and commercial positioning. 

Since its inception, the Group has adopted a consolidated sustainability strategy aimed at promoting environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues related to the Group’s activities in decision-making and operations, with the goal of contributing to the development of a sustainable future.

To this end, Gardant has adopted policies and codes and governance tools dedicated to the supervision and management of these issues.

The Sustainability Governance structure has been established through the creation of the Sustainability Committee, and a Group reference policy on ESG issues, the ESG Policy, has been drafted to ensure constant monitoring and supervision of adherence to Gardant Group’s values and sustainability principles for its Stakeholders.

La strategia di sostenibilità del Gruppo si è infine concretizzata nella redazione dell’ESG Master Plan 2021-2023, un piano strategico triennale all’interno del quale sono stati definiti gli obiettivi di sviluppo sociale, ambientale e di governance per la realizzazione delle ambizioni di Gardant nel medio-lungo periodo, con l’obiettivo di rendere la sostenibilità parte integrante della crescita del Gruppo.